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Welcome to SDA School

SDA School Micro Schedule, a revolutionary, innovative educational technology, is developed by a team of eminent professors and lecturers who have extensive academic and research experience.

The trendsetting micro schedule is a plan of day-to-day, hour-to-hour schedule for the students to follow during the academic year. This micro plan is distributed among all the students and teachers as well, at the beginning of the academic year and followed precisely.

This extraordinary planning, coupled with precise execution is the reason for securing top ranks by SDA School students year after year.

SDA School micro schedule also plays its role as a monitoring system that evaluates the progress of the student continuously and makes changes to the teaching and preparation plans from time to time as demanded by the academic programmes introduced for the academic benefit of the student.

Our Academics

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Pre Primary

L.K.G to U.K.G

A unit of the SDA Schools, India offers unparalleled quality holistic education in the field of Pre-primary. SDA Schools is the land of exploring tender minds.



I to V

The best group of primary schools in India, SDA Schools offers smart and exceptional quality education aiming to nurture higher-order thinking skills through holistic development for children from ages 6 to 12.


High School

VI to X

SDA School offers strong foundation and promises best subject knowledge enhancement with different methodologies of foundation & implementation for all the medical & engineering streams related competitive courses & entrance examinations.